Social networks
How does it affect us?
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
Survey results
The questions and the answers of our survey
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
Other social networks
My Space, for example, is a type of social network that as the other pages you first need to register by e-mail address, then you are already registered and after that, you have to create your own profile with your musical tastes, hobbies, favourite books, ... to let people know your preferences so that you can meet them because of your same tastes.
You can also add photos or videos that you find interesting and your friends can commented them or give their opinion deppending of the theme and the dislikes.
Twitter is free to join and has the same structure as the other ones.
What is particularly of it is that your messages are limited just to 140 characters, that's why people call it a "microblogging" tool. So that your messages have to be concise and brief.
If you want to use any of this social networks you must use a name, that don't have to be real, which reflects you.
There are many different ways about using Twitter or other pages, here are five of them:
-For building your experience and your authorty.
- For giving more sense to your ideas.
- For promoting yourself.
-For being more social with your readers and people you want to meet.
-For making all you update the objective to create a big cultural community.
Posted by: Ariadna Lliveria (5th article)
'The social network'
I'm talking about the film The Social Network , it is a 2010 drama film about the founding of the social networking website Facebook and the resulting lawsuits. It i directed by Mark Zuckerberg.
He i the youngest millionaire on the planet with 26 years old. He is a genious that has changed Internet and also our lives.
Posted by: Ariadna Lliveria (4th article)
Social Media Revolution
This is a video that I have found on Youtube page which explains all the social networking efffect that is very popular in our country because of the revolution that has made.
It explains different issues that are important in all the economical and social influence because this revolution has also affect the way of life and the political and culture of the cities.
This type of documentaries make us realise if we are for or against the evolution of media because of the change it is promoting.
First of all, we can think that the revolution of media is an economical strategy of companies to earn money making people see things with other kind of view. Social networking started with little companies and different groups that only pretend to share information or ideologies, but now almost all companies have their own blog page, or an account in any social network as Facebook, Twitter,...
There are other cases in which social networks and social media hasn't a positive result. That's the case of young people, the new society of the future. They are growing in a technological/virtual world because now things don't seem the same as few years ago. In conclusion, people don't meet the others face to face, people don't keep their life in privacy unless they share information with everybody. There's no personal life and relationships because everybody knows others routine. Furthermore, it is impossible to have more than 100 friends and we have to be aware of it because a lot of pedophiles and bad people are hidden behind and Internet page.
Another fact is that traditional mediums are losing audience because people have less free time and when they are working or having a break, one of the common activities to do is to be connected to the network.
We have to pretend not to be completely obsesive with social networks because if we lose consciousness we will finally lose ourselves.
Posted by: Ariadna Lliveria (3rd article)
Marc Serrano - 5th comment
Taking advantage of the actuality news about the revolutions of the society from North Africa to Middle East I look for this in an article that I have found, again, in “The Guardian”, which talks about the lasts social revolutions that have occurred in Egypt and Tunisia, and how the social networks have influenced, and in what way, in these revolutions.
The article says that the old models of organization no longer work and especially in the new contexts. Who thinks that the social networks only serve for social objectives and entertainment, is in the wrong way, because actually these revolutions that we mentioned were proposed by the social networks, so it can makes us an idea to the social impact that this media has in our society. This way to protest against a government or a law, which consists in people getting together at a point in one city is what “The New York Times” calls “the rise of the second superpower”.
Experiences like this revolutions have led us to explore new types of institutions, the called network movements. One of this network movements is which the text exposes, “” that is nowadays the best example of this kind of movements. Through “Avaaz”, millions of citizens all over the world have met to change government policies and for the social reconstruction of some countries.
This kind of networks work with the solidarity combining old and new tactics to make changes through movements for civil rights and independence.
We are in front of the biggest revolution in our history, the media revolution. The social networks can get together millions of people all over the world to change anything even overturn governments.
Are they controlling us?