lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Juan 2nd comment

This article from the DAILY NEWS, a newspaper from USA, talks us about the risk of social network such as facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. The article says that facebook not only takes you time of study or work, it also can be worse. There is a new problem dubbed "Facebook depression" that obviously only the teenagers who use facebook can be affect by can suffer. This is a problem that can suffer the teenagers that spend more time worried on their facebook profile than worried about the real life. It may sound crazy, but there are this kind of people. It is truem that Facebook can create a false reality of you, but that is a risk you gotta deal with. Everybody wants to be "perfect" in some way, and Facebook helps you to do that. You just have to think a little bit. As the article says, you can do the comments you want, be tagged on the pictures you want and erase the ones you do not like, so you can be pretty or handsome in all of them. Spend time texting, using the email or facebook can cause demage on the teenagers life's and in consequence their moods. What I understand with this article, is that teenagers if they do not control their lifes might be expossed to that problem called "Facebook depression"

5 comentarios:

  1. Again, nicely summarized but you need to include what you think. Do you agree that this probelm could exist? If so do you think this could become a serious problem? When you were a young teen did you ahve a facebook account? How might your life have been different if you had?

    Take a look at the mistakes below.

    a newspaper from USA,
    a newspaper from the USA

    talks us about
    talks to us about

    can suffer the teenagers
    teenagers can suffer

    this kind of people.
    these kinds of people.

    control their lifes
    control their lives

  2. This is a surprising article because until now we have seen lots of articles about the advantages and the importance that social networks have gained in our society and in this one it is explained that they can damage our psychological health. This phenomenon is called “facebook depression” and as Juan explains in his comment, it is based on the importance that teenagers give to the information of people that they see at Facebook. The article shows that, for example, in America a 72% of the teenagers have a profile on some social network (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and they spend a lot of time using it, a time that they lose from their study time. In social networks everybody publish positive things about their life, the things that someone do on their free time with friends, travels... and sometimes this can become a popularity contest. The problem is that teenagers are not aware that these social networks only show an skewed view of reality and some of them can be affected seeing that someone is more popular than him/her, that has more friends and does more funny things while someone else is a shy person with few friends and who has a quiet life with few social life.
    So I'm completely agree with Juan that teenagers have to learn to control their moods in front of these social networks because it’s a partial truth about reality and the real life is not in the web, it's outside in the street with real interactions with people, this is real life and what really cares.

  3. It is important to know that all the advantages that Internet and social networks have are not the only thing they produce so they can be harmful for our phsicological healthy.
    we don't realize that being always on the net is not good because it produces negative effects un our personality. we can miss our friends, family, studies and the person we really are.
    As Juan well says, young people are missing this kind of values and it can lead to an imortant depression.
    In my opinin, all of us must be aware of it as it can be the illness of our future.

  4. Ariadna,

    This is good commentary. You need to be careful with spelling and using words correctly.

    'phsicological healthy.'
    psychological health
